Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Gentlegirls Start Your Engines!

Leila had her cousins, Hadley and Millie, over last Friday, which she always enjoy. We had
breakfast, they played, had lunch, went for a walk, napped, had dinner then bath. It's a nice feeling to help family out when needed. The most important thing is that Leila and William get to know their cousins better.

Lazy Sunday

Yesterday was one of those "lazy days" wherein we stayed home, wore our jammies all day (but changed to a different one by bedtime), watched Tim Allen's "Santa Clause", had popcorn and just enjoyed each other. It's good to know that we can have those days and be ok with it.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My 3 Musketeers

I'm chopped liver when daddy is home (-:, but I've come to terms with it. They miss him too, terribly. You might think that William is too young to remember him? Oh, no. He remembers his "dada". When Leila is having a bad day, she would say "I miss daddy". It breaks my heart but we have to do what we have to do to provide them a better future.

After Breakfast Dessert

That's my girl.

Messy face.

We went to Baskin & Robbin the night before and bought ice cream cones for them (the Rocky Road ice cream for mommy). The deal was they couldn't eat them that night but they can only if they finish their breakfast the next day. And they did.

Dress Rehearsal

Three days before Halloween, I decided to have them try their costumes on. Both costumes were long and I almost panicked. I didn't want to buy new ones. Thank God for safety pins, I was able to save myself from buying William a new one. Leila had to practice picking her skirt up. The "old" me would have freaked out, but the "new" me was more rational and decided that it'll be just fine, and it was. Thanks again, Kelly, for letting William borrow Tyler's Chewy costume.

Pumpkin Patch

The finished product. Perfect!
Decorating her pumpkins.

Bouncy, bouncy.

I wish I know what they were discussing.

Leila took this picture.

My William is growing up so fast.

Found the perfect pumpkins.

His first time riding as well and he had mixed feelings.

Riding a pony, aka "Candy", for the first time.

Gotta ride the cho-cho train.

Daddy is home this weekend so we were determined to do something with the kids. So off to Bishop's Pumpkin Patch we go. It turned out to be a hot day but we didn't let the weather dampen our spirits, despite wearing long-sleeved shirts, and just make the most of being together. At the end of the day, we went home content and happy to have that rare moments of daddy being home.